Friday, August 21, 2009

Funny Faces

Ava has a game called Silly Faces that she calls Funny Faces. She loves to play it because you can mix and match eyes, noses, hair, etc. on these cardboard faces. Well, it is no longer just a board game at our is our family! We've had lots of fun lately with the camera and just being plain silly. As you'll see, we had some glasses that helped in our silliness!

On the not so silly side of things, Matt and I got to go to the ATP Tennis Tournament last week! A friend was able to get us free tickets! I am the first to admit that I am not an athlete! But tennis is the one sport that Matt and I really do enjoy playing together and watching together, so this was a treat! We were able to see Nadal and Roddick who are in the top 4 of the world players. I love that God loves to give in sweet ways like this!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Surprise Getaway!

Last Sunday, Matt wisked me away for a little getaway! It was 7 years ago that he proposed to me! He decided to take me back to the special spots at Put in Bay, Ohio where he first told me he loved me and where he asked me to marry him! We left the kids with mamaw and papaw and headed to the island! It was so much fun to be there and reminsce of all God had done in our relationship! We realized we didn't really get any pictures of the night he proposed and where we had breakfast the next morning before leaving so we got lots of pics this time:) Here is the Monument on the island where we got engaged.

And this is the restaraunt we had breakfast at the next morning..Pasquale's.

When I was there last the best way to get around was by golf cart...well now they have the scoot:) Matt had a blast driving this thing...he said it was the closeset thing to a sports car he'd ever get to drive! It was a fun way to see the island.

We had a great time and we think the kids had a great vacation away from us too:)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's Potty Time!!!

That's right....we have a big girl now who sits on the big girl potty!!! Yeah! Let's just say I have never danced so much in all my life on a daily basis than this last week! It really has been so delightful to see Ava's eyes get big and light up as she realizes she is pee-peeing or pooing on the potty! Today was a big day because she even told her Sunday School teacher when she had to go! One do we wean her off of the M&M's and cookies she's been getting as her reward??? Oh, and another do we get her to not scream at the top of her lungs in public at a restaraunt as she comes back to the table to tell Daddy, "I went pee-pee Daddy!!!"?
It's been a fun few weeks as Ava is realizing she can do more than what she used to putting her shoes on and off by herself (some of them anyway), open the back door by herself, get in and out of her carseat by is a ball seeing her change and seeing her excitement with each new thing!